August 12, 2006 will

Crazy Postcard Lady

It has come to my attention that there is a woman on the internet demanding that everyone sends her a postcard. She actually expects us to go out of our way to purchase a postcard and a stamp and send them to her. In return for what? Absolutely nothing! The audacity of this woman, the bare faced cheek!

I expect you are as disgusted with all of this as I am, and I urge you to contact this crazy postcard lady and explain to her in no uncertain terms how inappropriate her behaviour really is. Write your grievances on the back of a postcard and mail it to her. With bit of luck we can block her doorway with cards and bring an end to this nonsense once and for all! You can find her address on

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hazel return for a link, or a postcard of course :)

love from
Crazy Postcard Lady


My postcard never reached her.