The low-down on Django-Techblog
I figured I would write-up some of the features of Django Techblog, the blogging application I wrote to power this site. It does most of what you would expect from a blogging app, but there are a few features that it does differently. The main difference is extended markup, but there are a couple of other features that worthy of note:
- Multi-blog capable. I want to blog on a variety of subjects, but because some of the things I post about (namely the geeky stuff) are only of interest to a select few, I risk turning away visitors who aren't interested in those techy posts. Categories and tags are one solution to this, but I prefer to have a number of blogs under an umbrella blog, each with its own posts, templates and tags. In Techblog, there is also a concept of a channel which appears exactly like a blog from the front-end, but aggregates posts & tags from one or more blogs. In this site, the home-page at / is actually a channel consisting of /blog/tech/ and /blog/personal.
- Microblogging. Techblog has support for Twitter and potentially other microblogging services could be added. You add your twitter account details, which Techblog uses to poll your tweets and automatically post them to a specified blog. It filters out replies because they are rarely of interest to anyone other than who the reply is intended for, and also parses hashtags to create equivalent tags in the blog system. A microblog post can have a unique template (just a Django template) so they can have a different look and feel to regular posts. You can check my tweets in /blog/microblog/.
Getting the Code
The code for Django-techblog is licensed under my politeware license, which means you can use it for any purpose you see fit, but I would appreciate a thank you! It shouldn't be too difficult to set-up if you have worked with Django, but I'd be happy to help if you experience any problems with it. See the Google Code page for the SVN url:
I'm coming from the Drupal camp, where tags can each have their own feed.
I see what you mean about having personal tags separated from technical tags. It's a bit easier to go through your technical tags without the personal tags cluttering it up. However, your list of tags is not that easy to find. Even if you find that you don't like tag clouds, I think a link to a list of tags on each blog's main page would be nice.
Ben, I think you may be right about that! I'll have a think about the best place to put it…
Otherwise, I've found a bit strange that coming to this post from the rss feeds or from your homepage actually results in different links and contents. About the latter, there is no “Projects” link if I open the post from your Homepage. I've found this rather strange.
Kegan, you are welcome!
Anybody try “Django Techblog” with pinax?
It´s difficult to integrate with pinax?
I'm also interested for the same thing, integration with Pinax as well as e.g. with django-cms-2?
Otoh, I'd like to publish blog entries remotely by writing in .rst and sending to the blog. Is there a plan to support some remote-publishing API (MetaWeblog, Atom)?
Gour, haven't tried but it should work.
No plans to add support for remote-publishing at the moment, but I would accept patches!
I asked similar question on pinax-users list and here is the reply which I received:
So, it seems as doable but not easy…
Otoh, as far as remote-publishing is concerned, I know there is a ticket in Django for Atom PP support and I've found one django-blog with the patch for XMLRPC support (see this ticket).
In any case, I'll try to take a look at it after becoming more familiar with Python/Django.
I see what you meant regarding integration. Techblog is unaware of Pinax, so true integration would require modification of the Techblog code. It could certainly live along side a Pinax app, but the blogs would have to remain under control of the webmaster because there is no user model other than admin users and visitors…
If you ever give it a try, feel free to ask me for assistance!
Sure. ;)
I'll also try to see how it would play with new django-cms available at github.
btw, let me not forget to say that your blog look very nice. ;)
i really like your blogging engine its cool. I tried to set it up, but i run into problems. It says me that there is no reverse look up for the named url “blog_front”:
(this error occurs when i try to access /blog/rootblog/. When i access / i'll get
Thannks for your help,
You will need to set up a blog or a channel with the slug ‘rootblog’, which you can do through the admin site (/admin/).
If you want to use multi-blogs then rootblog should be a Channel, so you will also have to create one or more Blogs then add them to the Channel
Hope that helps,
Thanks for your quick response.
Can you send me the tracebacks for the pages that aren't working?
You might want to contact me direct rather than do it through the comments…
A note on dependencies: There's a lot of them! That's not a problem, but it'd be good to list them somewhere (my apologies if they already are). From my Slackware 12.1 Full install (and aside from Django and its dependencies, of course) I also had to install:
* BeautifulSoup
* Imaging
* Pygments
* libevent
* memcached
* postmarkup
* python-memcached
* simplejson
Anyways, thanks for this release. I hope to see more added to it, but in the meantime I think I'm going to switch over to it for my personal blog.
Be sure to let me know the url to your blog once you are set up. Soon there will be 3 Techblogs online… :-)
Regarding Postmarkup, you may need the SVN version. A new official release will be coming soon.
You can install it as any other django app. See for more information…
Blogs do have a concept of ownership, but it is designed for a few trusted users submitting content, not for a true multi-user environment.
That said, it could easily be adapted for it by a little logic that restricts users to editing their own blog.
I haven't tried it on GAE. I don't know if GAE can run all DJango apps, I suspect you would have to modify it a little.
Let me know if you get it working!
I've renamed the variable in
DEFAULT_BLOG_SLUG = “myblogname”
and given my default blog the same slug in admin, but I'm still throwing this error when I go to:
I've searched the project for any other instances of “rootblog” and can't find any, so I'm at a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for the great software.
I really like this, do you know if it will work on an alwaysdata free account?